Disclaimer: This library is actively used in our live projects and the code and the documentation can be rough in most places because, you know, deadlines! It is also tailored for our use so it is probably useful as source of information rather than as a real dependency to add in your projects.

How to use the R10 library

If you already have an existing Elm project, install the library with

elm install rakutentech/r10

See this Ellie or scroll down this page to see an usage code sample.

How to bootstrap a new project

You can find a fully functional project in the folder examples/pwa. You can use it as a base for a new project simply copying it.

From the root folder of the example, run

npm install
npm start

Then you can preview the website at http://localhost:8000.

Changing src/Main.elm will automatically recompile the application and refresh the browser.

To build the files optimized for the release in production, run:

npm run build

You can then find the files in elm-stuff/elm-starter-files/build.

Website characteristics

The bootstrapped website showcases has these characteristics:

  • Single Page Application (SPA)
  • Progressive Web Application (PWA)
  • Static SSR (pre-render during the build)
  • Works off-line and without Javascript
  • Installable on desktop and mobile
  • Friendly to search engines (SEO)
  • Supports custom previews so it looks good when you share links
  • Best practices, Accessibility, etc. (High scores with Lighthouse)
  • Includes R10 building blocks such as logos, icons, buttons, forms, etc. with coding playgrounds.
  • Supports multi language websites
  • Standard header and footer

To know more, read the elm-starter documentation and the r10 documentation.

Note: If you copied the file in a new folder you need to modify the elm.json file:

  1. Remove ../../src from the list of source-directories
  2. Run elm install rakutentech/r10 that will add this library as dependency

Other languages or frameworks

If you are looking for Rakuten UI components written in other languages or frameworks, have a look at the ReX Github repository and the ReX Frontend Components Library.


Thanks to Evan Czaplicki, Matthew Griffith, Richard Feldman, the folks at NoRedInk, Ryan Haskell-Glatz, Ilias Van Peer, Aaron VonderHaar, Abadi Kurniawaan, Dillon Kearns, Jeroen Engels, Keith Lazuka, Luke Westby, Alex Korban, Thibaut Assus, Brian Hicks and many more from the Elm community that directly or indirectly supported us in this journey.


These are real-life fully working code samples that render these views:


The primary color and the light/dark mode can be changed through the theme definitions. For example:

theme =
    { mode = R10.Mode.Light
    , primaryColor = R10.Color.primary.blueSky

theme =
    { mode = R10.Mode.Light
    , primaryColor = R10.Color.primary.green

theme =
    { mode = R10.Mode.Dark
    , primaryColor = R10.Color.primary.blueSky

This is the source code for the example with two buttons.

You can also find it at github.com or in this Ellie.

module Main exposing (main)

import Element exposing (..)
import Element.Background as Background
import Element.Border as Border
import Element.Font as Font
import Html
import R10.Button
import R10.Card
import R10.Color
import R10.Color.AttrsBackground
import R10.Color.Svg
import R10.FontSize
import R10.Libu
import R10.Mode
import R10.Paragraph
import R10.Svg.Icons
import R10.Svg.Logos
import R10.Svg.LogosExtra
import R10.Theme

theme : R10.Theme.Theme
theme =
    { mode = R10.Mode.Light
    , primaryColor = R10.Color.primary.blueSky

main : Html.Html msg
main =
    layout [ R10.Color.AttrsBackground.underModal theme, padding 20, R10.FontSize.normal ] <|
            (R10.Card.high theme
                ++ [ centerX
                   , centerY
                   , width (fill |> maximum 360)
                   , height shrink
                   , spacing 30
            [ R10.Svg.LogosExtra.r10 [ centerX ] (R10.Color.Svg.logo theme) 32
            , R10.Paragraph.normalMarkdown [ Font.center ] theme "This is an example of a view made with [Elm](https://elm-lang.org/), [elm-ui](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/mdgriffith/elm-ui/latest/) and [R10](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/rakutentech/r10/latest/) ([Source code](https://github.com/rakutentech/r10/blob/master/examples/simpleView/src/Main.elm))."
            , el [ Font.size 60, centerX, padding 10 ] <| text "🎉"
            , R10.Button.primary []
                { label =
                    row [ spacing 15, centerX ]
                        [ R10.Paragraph.normal [] [ text "Primary Buttons" ]
                        , R10.Svg.Icons.cart_f [] (R10.Color.Svg.fontButtonPrimary theme) 18
                , libu = R10.Libu.Li "https://r10.netlify.app"
                , theme = theme
            , R10.Button.secondary []
                { label = R10.Paragraph.normal [] [ text "Secondary Buttons" ]
                , libu = R10.Libu.Li "https://r10.netlify.app"
                , theme = theme

This is the code sample for the view with the form (Source code).

module Main exposing (main)

import Browser
import Element exposing (..)
import Element.Font as Font
import Html
import R10.Button
import R10.Card
import R10.Color
import R10.Color.AttrsBackground
import R10.Color.Svg
import R10.FontSize
import R10.Form
import R10.Language
import R10.Libu
import R10.Mode
import R10.Paragraph
import R10.Svg.Logos
import R10.Svg.LogosExtra
import R10.Theme

main : Program () Model Msg
main =
        { init = init
        , view = view
        , update = update

type alias Model =
    { form : R10.Form.Form }

type Msg
    = MsgForm R10.Form.Msg

init : Model
init =
    { form =
        { conf =
            [ R10.Form.entity.field
                { id = "email"
                , idDom = Nothing
                , type_ = R10.Form.fieldType.text R10.Form.text.email
                , label = "Email"
                , helperText = Just "Helper text for Email"
                , requiredLabel = Just "(required)"
                , validationSpecs =
                        { showPassedValidationMessages = False
                        , hidePassedValidationStyle = False
                        , validationIcon = R10.Form.validationIcon.noIcon
                        , validation =
                            [ R10.Form.commonValidation.email
                            , R10.Form.validation.minLength 5
                            , R10.Form.validation.maxLength 50
                            , R10.Form.validation.required
            , R10.Form.entity.field
                { id = "password"
                , idDom = Nothing
                , type_ = R10.Form.fieldType.text R10.Form.text.passwordNew
                , label = "Password"
                , helperText = Just "Helper text for Password"
                , requiredLabel = Just "(required)"
                , validationSpecs =
                        { showPassedValidationMessages = True
                        , hidePassedValidationStyle = False
                        , validationIcon = R10.Form.validationIcon.noIcon
                        , validation =
                            [ R10.Form.commonValidation.password
                            , R10.Form.validation.minLength 8
                            , R10.Form.validation.required
            , R10.Form.entity.field
                { id = "password_repeat"
                , idDom = Nothing
                , type_ = R10.Form.fieldType.text R10.Form.text.passwordNew
                , label = "Repeat Password"
                , helperText = Just "Helper text for Repeat  Password"
                , requiredLabel = Just "(required)"
                , validationSpecs =
                        { showPassedValidationMessages = True
                        , hidePassedValidationStyle = False
                        , validationIcon = R10.Form.validationIcon.noIcon
                        , validation =
                            [ R10.Form.validation.withMsg
                                { ok = "Passwords are the same"
                                , err = "Passwords are not the same"
                                R10.Form.validation.dependant "password" (R10.Form.validation.equal "password_repeat")
        , state = R10.Form.initState

update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
    case msg of
        MsgForm msgForm ->
                form : R10.Form.Form
                form =

                newForm : R10.Form.Form
                newForm =
                    { form
                        | state =
                                |> R10.Form.update msgForm
                                |> Tuple.first
            { model | form = newForm }

theme : R10.Theme.Theme
theme =
    { mode = R10.Mode.Light
    , primaryColor = R10.Color.primary.blueSky

view : Model -> Html.Html Msg
view model =
        { options =
            [ focusStyle
                { borderColor = Nothing
                , backgroundColor = Nothing
                , shadow = Nothing
        [ R10.Color.AttrsBackground.underModal theme, padding 20, R10.FontSize.normal ]
            (R10.Card.high theme
                ++ [ centerX
                   , centerY
                   , width (fill |> maximum 360)
                   , height shrink
                   , spacing 30
            [ R10.Svg.LogosExtra.r10 [ centerX ] (R10.Color.Svg.logo theme) 32
            , R10.Paragraph.normalMarkdown [ Font.center ] theme "This is an example of a form made with [Elm](https://elm-lang.org/), [elm-ui](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/mdgriffith/elm-ui/latest/) and [R10](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/rakutentech/r10/latest/) ([Source code](https://github.com/rakutentech/r10/blob/master/examples/simpleForm/src/Main.elm))."
            , column [ spacing 20 ] <| R10.Form.view model.form MsgForm
            , Element.map MsgForm <|
                R10.Button.primary []
                    { label = text "Sign In"
                    , libu = R10.Libu.Bu <| Just <| R10.Form.msg.submit model.form.conf
                    , theme = theme